Islam is a monotheistic religion founded in the 7th century by the prophet Muhammad. It is the second largest religion in the world, with over 1.8 billion followers.
Muslims believe in one God, Allah, and the prophet Muhammad is considered to be the last and final messenger of God. The most important religious text in Islam is the Quran, which contains the teachings of Allah as revealed to Muhammad.
Islam has five pillars, which are the fundamental principles of the religion. These pillars are: shahada, which is the declaration of faith; salah, which is the performance of daily prayers; zakat, which is the payment of alms; sawm, which is the observance of Ramadan; and hajj, which is the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Islam has a rich history and a diverse cultural heritage. It is practiced by people of many different races, nationalities, and cultures, and it has spread to every corner of the globe. Despite its diversity, Islam is united by a common set of beliefs, values, and practices.

Following is some information about the religion:
The word “Islam” means “submission” in Arabic, and a person who practices Islam is called a “Muslim,” which means “one who submits” to the will of Allah.
The most important Islamic holy book is the Quran, which Muslims believe was revealed to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. The Quran contains 114 chapters, or surahs, which are arranged in order of decreasing length.
Muslims are required to perform five daily prayers, called salah, at specific times throughout the day. These prayers are performed facing in the direction of the Kaaba, which is a sacred building located in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Muslims are also required to fast during the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During this time, Muslims abstain from food, drink, and other physical pleasures from dawn until sunset.
The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle, which is approximately 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar used in the Western world. This means that the dates of Islamic holidays, such as Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, move forward by about 11 days each year.
In Islam, it is considered haram, or forbidden, to depict the prophet Muhammad in any way, including through drawings or photographs. This is because Muslims believe that any depiction of Muhammad could lead to idol worship.
In some Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for women to drive cars. This is because some religious scholars believe that driving could lead to women violating the rules of hijab, or modest dress.
In Islam, it is considered haram, or forbidden, to eat pork or consume alcohol. This is because these substances are considered impure and harmful to the body.

What west think of it and what it really is..!!
The Islamic concept of “jihad” does not mean “holy war” as it is often translated in the Western world. In Arabic, the word “jihad” means “struggle” or “striving,” and it can refer to any effort made in the pursuit of a righteous goal. This can include striving to be a better person, to improve one’s community, or to defend against injustice.
The Islamic concept of “sharia” does not refer to a strict set of laws as it is often portrayed in the media. Instead, “sharia” means “path” or “way,” and it is used to describe the principles and values that Muslims should follow in their daily lives. The application of sharia can vary depending on the context and the interpretation of Islamic scholars.
The Islamic concept of “dhimmi” does not refer to a second-class citizen as it is often portrayed in the Western world. In Arabic, the word “dhimmi” means “protected person,” and it was originally used to describe non-Muslims who lived in Muslim-majority societies and were granted certain rights and protections.
The Islamic concept of “hijab” does not refer to a headscarf as it is often portrayed in the Western world. In Arabic, the word “hijab” means “curtain” or “barrier,” and it is used to describe the principle of modesty and privacy that is central to Islamic teachings. This principle is often applied in the context of dress, but it can also be applied to other aspects of life, such as behavior and communication.
The Islamic concept of “umma” does not refer to a global Muslim community as it is often portrayed in the Western world. In Arabic, the word “umma” means “community” or “nation,” and it is used to describe the collective identity of Muslims. This concept is often used in the context of the Islamic tradition, but it can also be applied to other groups and communities.
The Islamic concept of “caliphate” does not refer to a global Islamic state as it is often portrayed in the Western world. In Arabic, the word “caliphate” means “succession” or “successor,” and it is used to describe the political leadership of the Muslim community. This concept has a long history in the Islamic tradition, but it has taken on different forms and meanings over time.
In conclusion, Islam is a major world religion that has had a profound impact on global history and culture. It is a religion of peace and compassion, and it offers its followers a path to spiritual fulfillment and a connection to the divine.
Despite the challenges that Muslims have faced, the religion continues to thrive and be an important part of global history and culture.